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JAE Speaker Spotlight: Joanna Homrighausen


What led you to decide to become a JAE presenter?

In my day job, I teach Jewish studies at the college level. My training and teaching is Jewish texts, but I wanted to learn more about Jewish art. The best way to learn is to teach!

What do you find most rewarding about your role as a JAE presenter?

Stories. Much of our teaching happens in senior communities. Sometimes an artwork will awaken a decades-dormant memory of meeting an artist long dead, or seeing a now-‘classic’ painting when it was new. Other times an audience member will see their own story in a Jewish artwork. These may be Jewish stories, like Holocaust art, but they are also broader. For example, Jews have historically been a migrant people, and many immigrants can connect to feeling like an outsider or being forced to leave one’s homeland.

Who is your favorite Jewish artist?

Since calligraphy and lettering arts is my first love, I think of Hebrew calligraphers such as Izzy Pludwinski and Gabriel Wolff. Recently I’ve been in love with Ben Shahn’s work, and hope to write a book about him.

Do you have a favorite JAE program?

The Chagall talks are always a treat. He’s very accessible, visually entrancing, and his Jewish story has many facets.

Do you have a favorite audience member comment?

“Can we have you back in two weeks?”


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